In the early 1940s, some young people began a Sunday School in the Norwood area of Edmonton. The Sunday School grew to the point that, in 1945, plans were made to build a suitable building in the area. S. McCaughey donated a corner lot at 95 Street and 115 Avenue. The children's work moved into it, and a Sunday evening Gospel service was started. This was the beginning of Bethel Gospel Chapel in Edmonton. The building was used for a year or more before the assembly there was formed in about July 1947 and within 15 years two additions were made to the building.
Today, Bethel Gospel Chapel is situated in one of the most ethnically diverse centers of the city and enjoys fellowship across a broad range of cultural backgrounds and ages.
Today, Bethel Gospel Chapel is situated in one of the most ethnically diverse centers of the city and enjoys fellowship across a broad range of cultural backgrounds and ages.